Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Qualities of a Wife

Karyeshu Dasi, Karaneshu Manthri; Bhojeshu Mata, Shayaneshu Rambha,
Roopeshu lakshmi, Kshamayeshu Dharitri, shat dharmayukta kuladharmapatni

Morning Shloka - 2

समुद्र-वसने देवि, पर्वत-स्तन-मंडिते ।
विष्णु-पत्नि नमस्तुभ्यं, पाद-स्पर्शं क्षमस्व मे ॥

samudra-vasane devi, parvata-stana-maNDite |
viShNu-patni namastubhyaM, pAda-sparshaM kShamasva me ||

o ocean-draped, o adorned with mountain breasts |
o consort of viShNu, forgive me for stepping on you ||

Morning Shloka

कराग्रे वसते लक्ष्मी, करमध्ये सरस्वती ।
करमूले स्थिता गौरी, मंगलं करदर्शनम् ॥

karAgre vasate lakShmI, kara-madhye saraswatI |
kara-moole sthitA gaurI, mangalaM* kara-darshanaM ||

lakShmI in the finger tips, saraswatI on the palm |
shaktI is situated in the wrist, it is auspicious to see the hands ||

Maha-Mrityumjaya Shlokam

Om Trayambakam Yajamahe
Sugandhim Pushtivardhanam
Urva-rukamiva Bhandhanaat
Mrityor-mukshiya ma amritat
Om Klim Nama Shivaya
Om Shanthi Shanthi Shanthihi

We worship the three-eyed One (Lord Shiva), Who is fragrant and Who nourishes all beings; may He liberate me from death, for the sake of Immortality, even as the cucmber is severed from its bondage of the vine.  Om Peace, Peace, Peace

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Where are you then?

Where are you then?

When the darkness falls,
When the silence prevails,
When the air freezes,
When the stir stops,
When the cricket chirps,
When the life sleeps,
When the bed warms,
When the limbs break,
When the nerves ache,
When the sense fails,
When the eyelids droop,
When the eyeballs squeeze,
When the eyes close,

Friday, February 3, 2012

Aatma Amar Hai

nainam chindanti sastrani
nainam dahati pavakah
na cainam kledayanty apo
na sosayati marutah


na--never; enam--this soul; chindanti--can cut to pieces; sastrani--all weapons; na--never; enam--unto this soul; dahati--burns; pavakah--fire; na--never; ca--also; enam--unto this soul; kledayanti--moistens; apah--water; na--never; sosayati--dries; marutah--wind.


The soul can never be cut into pieces by any weapon, nor can he be burned by fire, nor moistened by water, nor withered by the wind.